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Alex Jadeszko

Certifications: CrossFit Level 1, Precision Nutrition Level 1, CPR/AED, Licensed Physical Therapist Assistant


Professional Experience: Physical Therapist Assistant in outpatient and home care settings, CrossFit Clan Performance Center

Athletic background/Why you love CrossFit/Coaching?:I was very unathletic growing up and all through school except for some karate classes as a kid. I found CrossFit in 2016 with the guidance of my team leader at my job and fell in love. CrossFit inspired me to go back to school to become a PTA and share my love for fitness and health with people of all ages and backgrounds. I use my CrossFit experience to help people return to the activities they love while I'm in clinic and I use my skills as a clinician while coaching to help make sure all my athletes can have fun and longevity while reaching their goals. CrossFit became my comfort during hard times because of the community and I strive to recreate that for everyone that trains with me.

What inspires you?: People reaching goals and hitting "firsts" while having fun doing it!

Favorite or Personal quote: "The universe is change; our life is what our thoughts make it" -Marcus Aurelius


Favorite WOD/movements: DT or anything with rowing and Olympic movement

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